

The Christian Wellbeing Show talks about the issues a lot of Christians don’t talk about.  What is trauma, how does it affect us, how can we heal, and how can the church do better to help?

How can Christians be some of the healthiest people on the planet, and why does it matter?

What are the five simple steps you can take to stay younger for longer?

Michelle faces church control and abuse without flinching, and addresses issues in the church and in the world with courage and honesty.  She empowers women, encourages faith, builds hope, reads God’s Word, stands for freedom, speaks truth, and won’t put up with a religious spirit.  With a mix of spiritual inspiration and practical wisdom, solo hosting, guests and amazing co-host, The Christian Wellbeing Show cares about you, your life, faith, health and wellbeing.

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The Christian Wellbeing Show | Podcast on Spotify


TAKE COURAGE: Finding Courage in God to Live

by Michelle J. Simpson

Life needs courage! Find a new inner strength, a new courage in God, for yourself and every aspect of your life. When it comes to courage, Michelle has something to say.  Through her experiences of childhood and adult trauma, living in forty homes in six countries, including living off-grid in the desert of Arizona, she writes with authenticity about finding courage in God for our lives. In the first volume of this Take Courage book series, Michelle writes about courage to live; courage to prosper; to hear bad news; to forgive; to love; to obey; and to make transitions.  A powerful and authentic book to help you find courage wherever you go.

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SURVIVING TRAUMA, CRISIS & GRIEF: Practical & Spiritual Steps to Survive, Heal & Help Others

by Michelle J. Simpson

Sharing from her own traumatic journey and experience with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Michelle shares what she has learned to survive, both practical and spiritual steps to not only stay still, but move forward to a better place.

‘Having read over 100 books on these subjects it was a delight to find one that is practical, insightful and anticipates the questions the reader will have. You will return to this excellent resource again and again to find your questions answered. The author has definitely done her homework. Whether you have just begun counseling, have been counseling for years or are reading this as someone who has walked this journey, Surviving Trauma, Crisis & Grief will be at the top of your list.’
– Dr H. Norman Wright, Traumatologist, author of The Complete Guide to Crisis & Trauma Counseling, former Director of the Graduate Department of Marriage, Family and Child Counseling at Biola University

‘This book on trauma and crisis should have been written 25 years ago, when trauma was an almost non-existing topic in Christian circles. It was prayed away, or not acknowledged, or even worse, spiritualised as something you have to endure when you want to serve God. Thankfully this book is giving a wide understanding on what trauma is and the impact it can have on a person. You will find life-truth in this book, showing you that trauma is not your fault, and how you can help yourself get back to yourself and life.’ – Martina Michaela Hoffmann, MSc, Psychological Counsellor

‘A very accessible book and super easy to read.’ – Jenny Burns, Programme Lead Wales, Mental Health Foundation

‘Dr. Simpson’s excellent and practical steps to healing will be useful to trauma professionals as well as friends and acquaintances of victims. This book is not just a clinical guide, it is an excellent read for anyone who has personally suffered the effects of deep trauma or anyone who just wants to understand it better.  Throughout the book, she is very encouraging and uplifting.  I recommend this work wholeheartedly.’ – Dr. Karen Drake, president, Primus University of Theology International

‘I love this book!  It is well planned, written and laid out with Michelle’s personal story supporting the validity of the content.  If I had seen this when I was in the early stages of my trauma laden years, I would have devoured it in one.’ – Debi Richens, Certified Grief Recovery Specialist

‘Those who have experienced trauma need information and help that is simple, easy to read and understand, non-judgmental and filled with hope.  Michelle has artfully and sensitively found the perfect balance.‘ – Rebecca Ramirez de Arellano, LMT, founder and owner of Enci Wellness LLC

‘In a time where mental illness and health are trending, this is such an important relevant, informative and timely book!’ – Marsha Farmer, founder, Living Free

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7 KEYS TO UNLOCKING YOUR LIFE P.U.R.P.O.S.E. Discovering Your Destiny by Understanding Your Design

by Stuart M. Simpson

Everyone wants a life of purpose.  How many actually live one?

Most people want to know that their life has meaning and significance…and it does.  The sad reality, however, is that the majority never discover what that is!  Schools never teach you how.  Churches never teach you how.  Your employer never teaches you how.  That is why I’ve written this book.

Using a unique P.U.R.P.O.S.E Profile™ based on the P.U.R.P.O.S.E. acronym – Passions, Uniqueness, Relationships, Personality, Origins, Strengths, Experiences – I give you 7 keys to unlock your life P.U.R.P.O.S.E. and help you start living the life you’ve always wanted to live.  These keys will first help you discover your design.  You will then be able to identify your calling and life purpose.

‘From beginning to end I couldn’t put this book down.  Stuart’s book will not disappoint. You will love it!’ – Martin Allen, founding director of Caleb Ministries

‘7 Keys to Unlocking Your Life P.U.R.P.O.S.E. brings illumination giving revelation, thus transformation on the crucial subject of purpose. It is strong where most books on purpose aren’t. It gives the ‘how to’ of purpose. It’s strong on implementation and execution. It moves you from the prophetic revelation of purpose to the apostolic reality of purpose. It moves you from dream to done. In today’s world, clarity is a rarity. Thank you, Stuart, for bringing clarity…on purpose.’ – Dr. Ed Delph, Nationstrategy, Phoenix, Arizona

“A vital topic, explored with clarity and insight.  An invaluable read.’ – Paul McGee, Sunday Times best-selling author and international speaker

“Stuart’s new book is a welcome and refreshing new entry into the subject of discovering purpose in the world which is becoming more listless and restless, with many just going through the motions. This book combines a healthy balance between theory and practical exercises to help the readers discover their design in order to discover their life purpose. Thought-provoking and life-giving!’ – Deepak Mahtani ACMI, FRSA, Keynote Speaker & Social Philanthropist

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EMPOWERED! Discovering Your Place in God’s Story (New Edition)

by Stuart Simpson

Surveys indicate that Christians feel disempowered. Wrong (dualistic) thinking, which separates the whole of life into ‘spiritual’ and ‘secular’, and creates a division within the Church between those in ‘full-time’ ministry and those who are not, has robbed many believers of the joy of knowing their life can make a difference.

This book will:

  • challenge how you view the Great Commission and missions
  • sweep away old, disempowering mindsets that cause you to feel like a second-class citizen in the kingdom of God
  • show that YOU have a special God-given role and place in the fulfillment of God’s story
  • help you practically discover your life passion and calling, and who God has made you to be
  • help you engage and live out your life-story within God’s story and mission.

“The men of Issachar were the military scouts of Israel, who knew what God was doing through His people, but also understood what the enemy was up to and were able to report to God’s people God’s strategy for that season.  Stuart Simpson, a friend and co-worker in Christ’s kingdom, is such a man today.  Empowered!  It’s a “must read book” for all who want to see Christ’s Great Commission finished in this generation.” – Loren Cunningham, co-founder, Youth With A Mission

“I love this book!  The truths in this book will change the world!” – Larry Kreider, DOVE International Director and author of over 30 books

“A sweeping, cobweb-clearing vision of the ongoing movement of God. Christians in what is wrongly called “secular work,” local church leaders, and mission boards need to let the message of this book disrupt traditional categories and point the way down a path so old it seems new.” – Larry Peabody, author of Serving Christ in the Workplace and
Job-Shadowing Daniel: Walking the Talk at Work

Purchase Paperback or Kindle on Amazon:


by Stuart Simpson

This insightful new book revisits ministry among Native Americans and highlights 5 keys that not only address the errors of the past, but as Native Americans rise up to fulfil their God-given destiny, will also facilitate more effective partnering with the non-native Church in order that God’s Kingdom purposes might be realized.

“It’s time for America’s ancient wounds to be healed!  This book is a powerful, insightful and challenging call for the church to understand the plight and pain of our beautiful Native American brothers and sisters and take responsibility for being a part of their healing.  So much of our country’s historical mistreatment of First Nation people was simply swept under the carpet in our national consciousness.  God wants to do something new and better in regards to the American church’s relationship and ministry to Native Americans.  I highly recommend Stuart Simpson’s new book, ‘Revisiting Native American Ministry’! – Dr Michael Maiden, senior pastor, Church for the Nations, Phoenix, Arizona

“I recently met Stuart Simpson at a gathering of Native leaders. Immediately I sensed in my spirit that there was something different about this man. There was a weightiness about him.  Stuart has quickly assessed and brought to our attention the pain and the plan, the hurt and the healing. The pain of Native America’s brokenness and loss, and a plan for restoration and wholeness.  Like a skilled physician, he has quickly diagnosed the ills in Native land. And like that physician he has also given us a remedy.”Dobie Weasel, founder & president, Life Tribe Ministries

Purchase Paperback or Kindle on Amazon:

the-second-act-front-coverTHE SECOND ACT – The Remarkable Story of Missionary James O. Fraser’s ‘Successor’ & Key Lessons for Mission Work Today

by Stuart Simpson

This is the story about Stuart’s close association with one of the most successful missionaries in the modern era, along with 20 key principles and lessons we can learn from Fraser’s life and ministry, still applicable today.

“Lessons that we can learn from Fraser’s life have been helpfully analysed by Stuart. As someone living and working in the Far East in Chinese communities across a number of countries, including China, I never fail when teaching on mission to show the ‘Breakthrough’ DVD, and now can add to that lessons that Stuart has outlined. I trust this book and the DVD will give more prominence to J.O. Fraser, not for his sake, but to encourage a new generation – particularly in the ever-expanding Chinese church – to rise up and embrace the task of cross-cultural mission in these days.” – Ross Paterson, founder and former International Director: Antioch Missions-Chinese Church Support Ministries & China Director: Derek Prince Ministries

“I pray that the Lord will use this well researched contribution to the missionary cause to bless and guide many, and that much fruit will come of it.  The lessons that can be learned from my father’s life and ministry will be very useful for effective mission today!” – Eileen Fraser Crossman, author of Mountain Rain: A Biography of James Fraser, Pioneer Missionary to China

“Stuart Simpson has provided a thought-provoking summary of the life of J.O. Fraser and how it intersects with the life and ministry of his own family.  This is more than a biography and includes remarkable reflections on lessons to be learned and applied from Fraser’s experiences. A different take on this noteworthy pioneer!” – Meg Crossman, Director Emeritus, PathWays Partnership

“I am excited to commend Stuart Simpson’s new book which not only tells the story about his own association with Fraser and the Baoshan region, but also highlights invaluable lessons for apostolic mission today drawn from Fraser’s life and ministry.  In my opinion, nobody could do that better.  Stuart takes us deep into the heart, values and vision of Fraser. ” – Johnny Buckner
Founder & former International Director of YWAM’s Centre for Oriental Ministries; Senior Pastor New Horizons Christian Fellowship, Starkville, MS;

International Director, New Enterprises International

Purchase paperback on Amazon:

KINGDOM MISSION: A Call to Disciple Nations (Concise Edition)

by Peter J. Farmer & Stuart Simpson

REDISCOVER THE 3D SCOPE OF KING JESUS’ KINGDOM COMMISSION. While much has been written about the task of invading the kingdom of darkness to rescue those under Satan’s control and influence (what the authors refer to as Pioneer Mission), the task of occupation and establishing God’s Kingdom in the Earth has been largely overlooked. Focusing on the 7 Elements of any kingdom, the reader is taken through the reality of Jesus being King and his Kingdom coming to Earth today; what it means to live out the King’s Constitution; the Places, Peoples, and Spheres which belong to the Domain of God’s Kingdom; the lost vision of the Church as the King’s governing ekklesia; the necessity for a return to a Kingdom economic system which will release apostolic workers and facilitate new innovations for societal transformation; how the Kingdom expands through new colonies and outposts, and restoring broken cities; what it means to live out Kingdom Citizenship.

“Careful, High Voltage!  This is a token of a new breed of books, written by a new breed of people.  Read, buy another 10, and sow it into Kingdom seekers everywhere.” – Wolfgang Simson, author of The Constitution of the Kingdom, and The Re-Invention of the World

“The authors seek to ignite genuinely apostolic movement…bring it on!” – Alan Hirsch, founder of Forge Missional Training Network and director of Future Travelers; author of numerous award winning books on missional Christianity including The Forgotten Ways and The Permanent Revolution

“This paradigm changing book needs to be read by all, especially those who are engaged or interested in advancing the Kingdom.” – Dr Victor Choudhrie, apostolic church planter and author of Greet the Church in Your House

“I welcome this well-documented, thought-provoking, vision-building, people-empowering, and action-inspiring contribution to the re-shaping of the church in the 21st century such that it can have a similar transformative impact on society now as it had in the first century.” – John Coles, National Director, New Wine, UK (2001-2014)

Purchase Paperback or Kindle on Amazon:

Also available from
Kingdom Mission Vol 1: Recovering the Vision
Kingdom Mission Vol 2: Outworking the Call
Kingdom Mission:  A Call to Disciple Nations (Complete Edition)

TAKE COURAGE: Finding Courage in God for Life (a series of 4 books coming soon!)

by Michelle J. Simpson

Full of stories and anecdotes, along with biblical truth, this book will be a great source of help and encouragement to many.

Finding God in Chinese Characters (25 card set)

by Stuart Simpson

A unique pack of 25 Chinese characters with bi-lingual explanatory guide.

A great tool for anyone with Chinese friends and in ministry to Chinese!

Available in U.S. from:

Love Is: The Gift of Love in India

by Rebecca Simpson

‘What is Love?’  When this question is asked by a 21 year old English girl she finds herself plunged into the heart of Kolkata, India.  It is there she becomes a part of extraordinary stories written by the hand of Love itself.  As she takes joyous gasps with new-borns, final breaths with the dying, and sheds tears of laughter and sorrow amidst pages of honest fears and hopes, she becomes acutely aware that love is much, much more than she could ever had imagined.  In a captivating story of this girl’s journey, let Love guide you through these pages and onto the streets of India itself.  May you see the vibrant colours, hear the ceaseless clatter, and small the pungent odours; and amongst all this, may you find surprising answers to this very daring question.

Kingdom Mission: Vol. 1 Recovering the Vision

by Peter J. Farmer & Stuart Simpson

Kingdom Mission: Vol. 2 Outworking the Call

by Peter J. Farmer & Stuart Simpson

CATALYST E-ZINES (from the Archive)

Why We Need a New Reformation! (Oct 2017)

Awakened to Action! (Nov 2016)

Are You Aligned to the Cornerstone (Nov 2015)