Kingdom Reset #1 – Is Jesus Truly Our King?

For a Kingdom Reset to be ‘activated’, we have to revisit the foundations.

What are God’s original ‘factory settings’? How does He want things done?

Foundational Cornerstone
The cornerstone is the most significant part of the foundation. It is the crucial alignment stone for the rest of the foundation, and subsequently what is built on top of it. If the foundation is not aligned properly, everything else will be askew and won’t remain strong.

God’s new family, His kingdom community, is “built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the chief cornerstone” (Eph. 2:20).

God’s Kingdom is Not a Democracy
Jesus Christ is not only the Cornerstone, He is also King. Not just God, Saviour, Healer, Deliverer, and Friend.

Every kingdom has a king. In His Kingdom, God has anointed and crowned Jesus Christ as King.

In Western culture we are so used to having our own ‘individual rights’, we often assume it’s the same in the Kingdom of God. But, it’s not!

His Kingdom is not a democracy. It is not governed by the will of the citizens. Jesus is not elected into office but instead invites anyone who acknowledges Him as Lord, to become a Kingdom citizen and obey Him.

Loss & Restoration of Kingship
In the beginning, man and woman were appointed by God as the first kings (or under-lords) over the Earth, starting in a place called Eden. However, this kingship was dependent upon remaining subject to their King.

Through their sinful rebellion and act of treason, the authority and kingship that God had invested in them, was passed to another kingdom, ruled by Satan.

The gospels record how Jesus regained this lost kingship by launching God’s Kingdom in the Earth and destroying the dark powers of this invading kingdom.

A Subversive Political Declaration!
At the time, the earthly kingdom of the Roman Empire was ruling the known world and the allegiance of the people, on pain of death, had to be with Caesar.

The gospel of the Kingdom therefore became a direct challenge to Caesar’s rule, a position that was viewed as divine and whose incumbent was hailed as the ‘son of God’.

In the first century, to declare ‘Jesus is Lord’ meant Caesar wasn’t. It was a confrontational and potentially subversive political declaration! Jesus was the true King, Emperor, and Lord of the world!

So let’s bring this closer to home.

To Sing Songs is Easier Than Obedience
As followers of Jesus we sing many songs about Jesus being Lord and King. ‘Jesus is Lord! Praise Him with hallelujahs for Jesus is Lord!’ ‘All Hail King Jesus!’ ‘I Love You Lord and I Lift My Voice.’ ‘Praise My Soul the King of Heaven.’ ‘Majesty, worship his majesty.’ The list is endless.

If we’re honest, singing songs about Him being Lord is easier than obeying His Lordship. The key question becomes: is Jesus truly King and Lord of our lives, both individually and corporately? Beyond what we say or sing, are we obeying His ways?

“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?” (Luke 6:46)

Who Is Really In Charge?
Is Jesus more of a constitutional monarch, a figure-head, without any real power or authority in our lives? If we’re truly honest, is our denomination or spiritual network more of a ‘lord’ in our lives? Have we lost sight of the Lordship of Jesus Christ? Has He been replaced by another king, by another ‘Caesar’?

Once a church leader asked me if I was 100% under his authority so he could hear God’s plans for my life? This leader had been influenced by the ‘heavy shepherding movement’. This kind of leadership headship and covering is not biblical. God never delegated to mankind rulership over other people.

As the Head of the Body of Christ, are we allowing Him to direct proceedings by His Spirit, or are we through our own leadership structures, agendas, programmes and religious traditions taking charge?

Jesus challenged a rich young ruler because money had become an idol in his life. Is there an idol that is directing how we live our lives, or how our church functions?

WHO is really IN CHARGE?

Before Christ can be made preeminent over all things, He must first have the pre-­­­eminence among His own people. Colossians 1:18 puts it this way, 

And He is the Head of the Body, the church (lit. ekklesia) . . . THAT in all things He might have the pre-eminence.

When decisions are to be made, the salient question should not be, “What do we think should be done?” or “What can we agree upon as spiritual leaders?” Instead it should be, “What does the Lord want in this situation?”

If Jesus were King
What would our nation/city/community look like if Jesus was its King?

If Jesus was invited to change up our church meetings and services, how would things be different?

How would Jesus engage with the church buildings, religious ceremonies and services of our day?

What would King Jesus REVISIT and RESET back to God’s original purpose?

Do We Really Want King Jesus to Rule over Us?
The issue for the people of Israel was that they rejected God’s Kingship in their lives. Instead, they wanted to be like the other nations and have a human king instead to tell them what to do.

Before entering Jerusalem, Jesus told a parable about a prince (or nobleman) who went away into a far-off land to receive power over his country so that he might return to rule over it. This was a very familiar situation for Jesus’ hearers as it was common for rich men of noble-birth (like Herod the Great and his son Archelaus), to go off to Rome to receive power and then come back to rule (in their case with taxes, oppression, and tyranny).

In the parable, before leaving the prince gave ten of his servants an amount of money and told them to do business with it until he returned. After he left, the citizens of his land sent an ambassador after him to declare, “We do not want him to rule over us!” (Luke 19:11-28).

Priority Step #1
It’s easy to apply this to those in the world who are indifferent towards, or even hate Jesus. When the general public declare: “We have no king but Caesar” (John 19:15), it’s understandable. But, what if we apply this to ourselves as God’s people? Is it applicable closer to home?

Do we truly want Jesus as King, to rule over us?

If we want a Kingdom Reset, it will need to be Step #1.

(Photo by Savannah Clas on Unsplash)