The Bible’s Emancipation of Women

Contrary to what some people think, is it possible that the Bible was the force that empowered women in the West and enabled them to fight for their liberation?

Intrinsic value, worth & dignity

Most cultures have believed that women are intrinsically inferior to men. However, the Bible clearly teaches that men and women were created equal as the image of God. Within marriage, husband and wife are a team of equals, “heirs together of the grace of life”. Women don’t need to be the same as men to be equal with them. They have intrinsic value, worth and dignity.

Empowering of women in first century

One reason Christianity gained great influence within the Roman Empire was because it attracted and empowered women. Rome’s promiscuous and polygamous culture weakened and enslaved women.

The Bible’s commands concerning adultery, rape, murder, divorce, love for wives, care for widows, etc improved women’s status in the Christian subculture. When a husband is forbidden extramarital affairs, taking a second wife, or divorcing a difficult wife; when he is not allowed to hate or be harsh with her; when he is required to love and honour his wife; then his wife is empowered. She has the security to seek for her dignity and rights. Not only did the biblical teaching strengthen women, it also provided a foundation for stable families, children, and society.

Christians also expressed their respect for women by raising the age of marriage. Nearly half of the pagan girls were married off by the time they were 14, whereas nearly half of the Christian females didn’t marry before they were 18. Roman marriages also involved child brides, whereas the Bible’s sexual ethic gave Christian girls the time to grow up and become better wives and mothers.

Ancient classical culture provided for the easy availability of sex without commitment. Men therefore had no motivation to be married. However, the Christians’ commitment to marriage resulted in more secure women and a higher fertility rate which curbed the declining population. The Christian opposition to infanticide and abortion also caused a lower mortality rate.

Jesus, the empowering ‘feminist’

Jesus defied the culture of his day by engaging with women. He gave them love, dignity and respect. Even in his dying breath He ensured His mother would be taken care of. He sacrificed His life for both men and women. When He rose from the dead, He asked a woman to take the news of His resurrection to His disciples. He demonstrated against the social inequalities and through His life highlighted the liberation of women that comes through the good news of the kingdom of God.

(source: The Book That Made Your World by Vishal Mangalwadi)
(photo: Kudor Viola from FreeImages)